Key Dates

Term 3 2024 – Theme: Kindness

Guiding Verse: Romans 12:10 – Be kindly affectionate to another…….


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                   – Wednesday 28th August 2024
Opening Day (New Learners)                             – Thursday 29th August 2024

End of Term Assessments                                   – Tuesday 8th -Wednesday 9th October 2024

Corporate Social Resposibility (CSR) Activity  – Friday 11th October 2024

PP2 Graduation/Concert/Closing day               – Wednesday 23rd October

PTC (Parent/Teacher Consultation)                    – Tuesday 29th October 2024

Term 2 2024 – Theme: Faith

Guiding Verse: Heb 11:1 – Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                   – Monday 13th May 2024
Opening Day (New Learners)                             – Tuesday 14th May 2024

Cultural Day                                                           – Friday 14th June 2024

Educational Tour PP1                                        – Wednesday 19th June 2024

Mid-Term Break                                                  – Thursday 20th June – Monday 24th June 2024

Resume from Mid-Term                                      – Tuesday 25th June 2024

Educational Tour PP2                                        – Wednesday 26th June 2024

End of Term Assessments                                   – Tuesday 23rd -Thursday 25th July 2024

Thanksgiving/Sharing/Closing Day                    – Thursday 1st August at 1:00pm

PTC (Parent/Teacher Consultation)                    – Tuesday 6th August 2024

Term 1 2024 – Theme: Hope

Guiding Verse: Jer 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord- plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                   – Wednesday 10th January 2024
Opening Day (New Learners)                             – Thursday 11th January 2024

Sports Day                                                           – Wednesday 28th February 2024

Mid-Term Break                                                  – Thursday 29th February – Monday 4th March 2024

Resume from Mid-Term                                      – Tuesday 5th March 2024

End of Term Assessments                                   – Tuesday 19th -Thursday 21st March 2024

Thanksgiving/Sharing/Closing Day                    – Wednesday 3rd April at 1:00pm

PTC (Parent/Teacher Consultation)                    – Friday 5th April 2024

Term 3 2023 – Theme: The Light of the World

Guiding Verse: Psalm 119:105 – Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                    – Wednesday 30th August 2023
Opening Day (New Learners)                                – Thursday 31st August 2023

C.S.R Day                                                                    – Friday 13th October 2023

End of Term Assessments                                       – Tuesday 17th -Thursday 19th October 2023

PP2 Graduation/Concert/Closing Day                  – Wednesday 25th October 2023

PTC (Parent/Teacher Consultation)                      – Tuesday 31st October 2023

Term 2 2023 – Theme: Hard Work

Guiding Verse: Colossians 3:23 – Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord!


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                   – Wednesday 10th May 2023
Opening Day (New Learners)                               – Thursday 11th May 2023

Cultural Day                                                            – Friday 2nd June 2023

Educational Tour PP1& PP2                                – Wednesday 28th June 2023

Mid-Term Break                                                   – Thursday 29th June – Monday 3rd July 2023

Resume From Mid-term                                          – Tuesday 4th July 2023
End of Term Assessments                                      – Tuesday 1st -Thursday 3rd August 2023

Thanksgiving/Sharing/Closing Day                      – Thursday 10th August at 2:00p.m.

PTC (Parent/Teacher Consultation)                      – Tuesday 15th August 2023

Term 1 2023 – Theme: Honesty

Guiding Verse: Proverbs 12:22 – The Lord delights in people who are trustworthy!


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                   – Wednesday 25th January 2023
Opening Day (New Learners)                               – Thursday 26th January 2023

Sports Day                                                                 – Wednesday 15th March 2023

Mid-Term Break                                                        – Thursday 16th – Monday 20th March 2023

Resume From Mid-term                                          – Tuesday 21st March 2023
End of Term Assessments                                      – Tuesday 11th -Thursday 13th April 2023

Thanksgiving/Sharing/Closing Day                      – Thursday 20th April at 2:00p.m.

PTC (Parent/Teacher Consultation)                      – Tuesday 25th April 2023

Term 3 2022 – Theme: Peace

Guiding Verse:  Phil 4:7 – And the peace of God….


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                  – Wednesday 28th September 2022
Opening Day (New Learners)                             – Thursday 29th September 2022

PhotoShoot (PP2 Graduation & All Class)         – Tuesday 1st November 2022

CSR Day                                                               – Thursday 10th November  2022

End of Term Assessments                                   – Tuesday 15th – Thursday 17th November 2022
PP2 Graduation/Concert/Closing Day               – Thursday 24th November 2022

Parent/Teacher Consultative (PTC) Session      – Tuesday 29th November 2022

Term 2 2022 – Theme: God, The Provider

Guiding Verse:  Genesis 22:14 – The Lord will provide!


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                  – Wednesday 13th July 2022
Opening Day (New Learners)                              – Thursday 14th July 2022

Mid-Term                                                                – Monday 8th – Friday 12th August 2022

Resume from Mid-Term                                       – Monday 15th August 2022

End of Term Assessments                                    – Tuesday 6th – Thursday 8th September 2022
Thanksgiving/Closing Day                                   – Thursday 15th September 2022 at 2:00pm

Parent/Teacher Consultative (PTC) Session     – Tuesday 20th September 2022

Term 1 2022 - Theme: The Joy of God

Guiding Verse:  Philippians 4:4 – Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice!


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                  – Wednesday 27th April 2022
Opening Day (New Learners)                              – Thursday 28th April 2022

Mid-Term                                                                – Thursday 26th – Friday 27th May 2022

Resume from Mid-Term                                       – Monday 30th May 2022

Cultural Day                                                            – Friday 3rd June 2022

End of Term Assessments                                    – Tuesday 21st – Thursday 23rd June 2022
Thanksgiving/Closing Day                                   – Thursday 30th June 2022

Parent/Teacher Consultative (PTC) Session     – Tuesday 5th July 2022

Term 3 2021 - Theme: The Mercy of God

Guiding Verse:  Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                  – Wednesday 5th January 2022
Opening Day (New Learners)                              – Thursday 6th January 2022

End of Term Assessments                                    – Tuesday 22nd – Thursday 24th February 2022
Thanksgiving/Closing Day                                   – Wednesday 2nd March 2022

Graduation Day (PP2)                                           – Friday 4th March 2022

Parent/Teacher Consultative (PTC) Session     – Tuesday 8th – Wednesday 9th March 2022

Term 2 2021 - Theme: The Goodness of God

Guiding Verse: Psalm 145:9  – The Lord is good to all;  He has compassion on all He has made.


Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                 – Wednesday 13th October 2021
Opening Day (New Learners)                             – Thursday 14th October 2021

Mid Term Break                                                     – Friday 19th – Monday 22nd November 2021

Resume from Mid-term                                      -Tuesday 23rd November 2021

End of Term Assessments                                    – Tuesday 7th – Thursday 9th December 2021
Christmas Concert/Thanksgiving/Closing Day  – Wednesday 15th December 2021

Parent/Teacher Consultative (PTC) Session     – Monday 20th – Tuesday 21st December 2021

Term 1 2021 - Theme: The Love of God

Guiding Verse: Proverbs 8:17 I love those who love me and those who seek me to find me.

Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                 – Wednesday 28th July 2021
Opening Day (New Learners)                             – Thursday 29th July 2021

Mid Term                                                                – Thursday 26th August – Friday 27th August 2021

Resume from Mid-Term                                      – Monday 30th August 2021
Thanksgiving/Closing Day                                  – Wednesday 1st October 2021

Parent/Teacher Consultative (PTC) Session     – Tuesday 5th – Wednesday 6th October 2021

Term 3 2020 - Theme: God's Faithfulness

Guiding Verse: 2 Thes. 3:3 The Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.

Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                 – Wednesday 12th May 2021
Opening Day (New Learners)                             – Thursday 13th May 2021

Mid Term                                                                – Wednesday 2nd June – Friday 4th June 2021

Resume from Mid-Term                                      – Monday 7th June 2021
Thanksgiving/Closing Day                                  – Wednesday 14th July 2021

Thanksgiving/Graduation Day (PP2)                – Friday 16th July 2021

Parent/Teacher Consultative (PTC) Session     – Wednesday 21st – Thursday 22nd July 2021

Term 2 2020 - Theme: God's Protection

Guiding Verse: Psalm 91: 10 – No harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.

Key Term Dates

Opening Day (Continuing Learners)                 – Wednesday 6th January 2021
Opening Day (New Learners)                             – Thursday 7th January 2021
Closing Day                                                           – Friday 19th March 2021
Parent/Teacher Consultative (PTC) Session  – Friday 26th March 2021

Term 1 2020 - Theme: Thankfulness

Guiding Verse:  Psalm 136

Key Term Dates

Opening Day                                       –           Tuesday 6th January 2020

Curriculum Day (PP1 only)                 –          Saturday 1st February 8:00 a.m.  – 9.30 a.m.

Curriculum Day (PP2 only)                 –           Saturday 8th February 8.00 a.m.  –  9.30 a.m

Half Term Break                                 –           Monday 17th February – 21st February 2020

Resume School                                    –           Monday 24th February 2020

Closing Day                                         –           Friday 3rd April 2020

Parent/Teacher Consultative (PTC) Session             –           8th & 9th April 2020 7.30 a.m – 2.00 p.m.